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TCF Curriculum Class Topics: Infant and Toddler
  1. Whining Works/Using Your Words
  2. Speech Milestones/Delays
  3. Empowerment through Language
  4. Literacy
  5. Building Baby's Library
  6. Baby Sign Language
  7. Songs/Finger Plays
  8. Language Engagement
Physical Development
  1. Creative Walks
  2. Tummy Time
  3. Infant Gross Motor Skills
  4. Toddler Gross Motor Skills
  5. Outings
  6. Outdoor Activites
  7. Infant Fine Motor Skills
  8. Potty Development
  9. The Importance of Crawling
Cognitive Development
  1. Brain Development
  2. The Value of Play
  3. Games
  4. Toys
  5. Allowing for Failure
  6. Playing Alone
  7. Other Children/Parents
  8. Conflict Resolution
  9. Identifying Feelings
  10. Reading Readiness
Personal Social
  1. Know Your Child
  2. Empathy
  3. Self-Regulation
  4. Siblings
  5. Manners
  6. Interrupting
  7. Sharing
  8. Do Not Share Box
  9. Gentle Touch
  10. Stating the Behavior You Want
  11. Seperation Anxiety
  12. Nightmares and Night Terrors
  13. Boundaries=Happy Child
  14. Honesty and Lying
  15. Chores
  16. Temperament
  17. Self-Esteem
  18. Massage
  19. Mindfulnees
  20. Discipline
  21. Tantrums
  1. Milk
  2. Introducing New Foods
  3. Introducing Solid Foods
  4. Breastfeeding
  5. Weaning
  6. Healthy Snacks
  7. Food Sensitivities
  1. Sleep
  2. Teething
  3. Tooth Care
  4. Illness Prevention
  5. Flu Info
  6. Vaccinces
  7. Roseola
  8. Cold Care
  9. Pain Relievers
  10. Ear Infections
  11. Fevers
  12. Fifth Disease
  13. Hand Foot and Mouth
  14. Autism
  1. Learning Differneces
  2. Cultural and Economic Diversity
  3. Disabilities
Parental Support
  1. Travel
  2. Books and Toys
  3. Family Time
  4. Simplify the Holidays
  5. Halloween Tips
  6. Over Stimulation
  7. Shared Parenting
  8. Strangers
  9. Dogs/Pets
  10. Nanny Expectations
  11. Daycare
  12. School Readiness
  13. Finding the Right School
  14. Child Proofing
  15. Swimming Tips
  16. Holiday Hazards
  17. The Importance of Your Partner
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